Maantra Health

Maantra Health
Maantra products

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Natural, drug-free treatment in harmony with Nature ……

Created, produced and all wholesome - direct from Mother Nature! We humans too are a part of the natural process of creation and living. Our body is equipped with a sophisticated immune system which helps cure and treat us when we come under attack from harmful bugs.

Chemical and processed medicines can be harsh and have a detrimental effect on our overall well-being. Dependency on certain drugs create further problems on top of what they are purported to be treating. For example, we may become dependent on painkillers for pain relief, sleeping tablets for insomnia and so on. It is this dependency, long term, which can be harmful for everyday functions of mind and body.

Natural health products can help treat general discomfort and many different types of ailments without the intervention of chemical additives. Natural products also promote and maintain inner health and treat the condition from within.  It is nature’s way of fighting harmful foreign ‘bodies’ present without inhibiting the body’s own natural defence mechanism. They also keep the body free of any side effects unlike medicines which can lead to different ailments, causing further illness.

Natural health devices and supplements are valuable in helping treat and prevent a wide array of ailments and conditions. This can range from pain relief, diabetic foot treatments to gum disease. Topical applications, for example creams and lotions, are carried into the blood stream via the porous dermal layers of the skin. Organic, natural skin care products carry no synthetic additives or chemical based lubricants. They work in harmony with Nature to help fight the signs of ageing and also maintain healthy supple skin.

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Monday, 5 September 2011

Natural Healthcare Products - a consumer choice

Most of us come down with some ailment or another at various stages of our lives. Some conditions can be helped with alternative treatment, for example pain relief medical devices to relieve pain whilst healing takes place.  Food supplements containing healing herbs or natural teas as an alternative to coffee or black tea offers the consumer a choice and contributes towards health and well-being.

Natural health products are drug-free, without any side effects and work in harmony with the body maintaining a healthy equilibrium.    

The healthcare segment ranges widely in its applications. Nowadays many ingredients and applications have helped many users who report positive response. They have also  gained credibility through pioneering research and development;  whilst numerous have clinical published trials to support claims.

Specially selected products at competitive prices in advanced natural health and organic products offered by Maantra are sourced for their quality and manufacturing practice. The first class service and professional helpline offers customers the chance to discuss and ask questions with a consultant.

Quality healthcare products provide support for overall general health and well being without any contraindications and have helped in many cases in treating a health ailment. They can also assist with the maintenance of good health practice and help prevent further deterioration of certain conditions.